Liwanj FZCO Agency may develop or use for other clients any ideas, concepts, source code, information or know how reflected in any of the materials provided to you (in whatever form) or otherwise developed during the course of providing services to you.
All products, creative
works, plans for designs, unique campaign ideas, slogans, copy themes, preliminary
sketches, layouts, copy, artwork, production services, public and other marketing
material (whether on paper, computer disk, by email or in some other digital format)
accepted by Liwanj, shall, upon you paying Liwanj FZCO Agency in full for the
relevant materials, be your property, except to the extent that any intellectual
property rights therein have been reserved by Liwanj FZCO Agency or third parties
engaged or employed by Liwanj FZCO Agency.
Liwanj FZCO Agency own the legal copyright of our working files. Working files are our intellectual property and this can be and not limited to design concepts, design elements, infographics, fonts and imagery. Working files are not released as part of our projects. If you wish to be supplied working files, then this needs to be requested and we will supply a quote for this release.